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Sunday, May 03, 2009

Dear Posy

The following is a letter I wrote in response to a post (read it here) from one of my favourite blogs, Posy...

Dear Posy,
Isn't it true that all those neat-freaks out there are always trying to convince us that we simply must have too many treasures, and that we should take a deep breath and purrrrge! They tell us we should be going for a much "simpler look", even the minimalistic style (oxymoron, if I ever heard one!), and rid ourselves of the dust-collecting-cluttersome-collections that we choose to surround ourselves with. They claim their preferred near vacant abodes are "less stressful", "more appealing", (and here's the clincher) ~ "easier to clean".

To me, these Feng shui-ish dwellings look more like empty, cold, barren business offices, and perhaps that is why they are so favoured by folks who spend more time away from their homes than in them.

We must bear the brunt of these purging coziphobes. After all, we know in our hearts that they are simply WRONG. Your hutch is beautiful, enchanting and ever so cozy looking. Perish the thought of living in a minimalistic zen style house. So sweet Posy, don't let the clutter get you down. Continue to enliven your life by surrounding yourself with your pretty little things; shun the ways of the minimalistic "style" which is simply devoid of life and carry on. And for heaven's sake, do not, I repeat, do NOT purge!

With great admiration ~
Your fellow Clutter-Rat


Jane said... sweet of you Dawn! The funny thing is I try to be more tidy but just don't quite get there!
And as for dusting...well..when people ask me how I cope with all the dusting I just say 'I don't!'
Love to you,

Brenda said...

I recently did a lot of purging, because I am sick of dusting...only reason, but I am finding out that I must have the clutter, the clutter makes my house a home, and makes me happy!