"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser" is a quote that appears on page 2 of the October calendar I completed for Liz.
This month has been a busy month for me ... my mom is seriously ill and was admitted to hospital on the 14th due to complications of a diabetic foot (she's still there), I've took a 3 week personal development career course and started a new job, so I haven't been blogging very much. However, I have completed some tasks.
** received my charm bracelette ~ yay!! See blog: http://justsimplycharming.blogspot.com/
** started working on my 12 Days of Christmas ornaments
** started collecting goodies for PHAP Secret Santa gift
Here are some photos of October calendar. I tried to use lush "autumn-y" colours and rich fabrics. For a close up peek at these pages, check out my Picture Trail at: http://picturetrail.com/canada_eh
I just love the girl in the green! and your use of staples is just stunning! but you have to tell me more about the back round that she is on... is it fabric? and did you some how alter it? I am sorry that I will not get to see this in person :(
Liz's book was one of my favorites :)
Dawn -- FABulous pages!!!!!! Wow :) All this great art in between a very rough few weeks! Hope your mom is better soon.....
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