Sarah Whitmire has been been inspiring artists in the past 18 days to work on a ART Journal Project. Although it has been going on for a while, I decided to jump in (yesterday) and try to catch up with "the rest of the class" so to speak. Check out the project's link above ~ perhaps you'll want to join in too. Above is my first spread where I "claim" my journal.

Just a little info on what I did last weekend at PHAP Farm.

This spread is for my Inner ART Critic. I think he might look like the Incredible Hulk. Even though I have pasted his pink slip on the right page, he keeps trying to dissuade me from this messy journalling thing.

This was an interesting assignment. We were to write: I forgot to tell you. Then, we were to write something very personal. This "from the gut" writing is why a lot of people resist journalling. But no worries here, because after writing the stuff on the page, we were to tape it up with all sorts of different kinds of tape, then sand, gesso and paint over it. I still know what I wrote, but no else will.

This page was fun. It was a magazine scavenger hunt.
I'll add more pages as I do them. Hope you enjoyed looking at them so far, make sure you drop by again, and take the time to check some of my other stuff on my blog. This is so good for me artistically because I'm out of my element here. Time to make a mess, do some writing and playing with my art materials! The next assignment has something to do with houses ... stay tuned.