This year we had a very cold spring. Then there was the frost right up into June! We planted our vegetable garden late this spring to avoid the frost only to watch as nothing thrived. We've experienced drought conditions in our area throughout the "summer". See the only tomatoes which survived, in the hard, dry earth?

Some of our perennials did come up, but many just couldn't live in these conditions.
The flowers that I planted in portable planters faired better, largely because I hand-watered them throughout the season.

The raspberry bushes produced very few berries ~ all of them teeny.

Virginia Creeper seemed to do reasonably well which is great. Of course the aphids continue to try to destroy them again, but I think I just may have found a environmently friendly homemade formula to ward them off.
Our city usually gets approximately 45 millimetres of rain in May, plus another 80-some millimetres in June. This year however, apparently we've had under 20 millimetres all summer.

Yesterday, I saw some
Canada Geese flying in formation.