When I was in Langley for my sister, Madeline's wedding, I had a chance to have a great visit with my niece Carla. We stayed up to the wee hours of the morning ~ let's put it to you this way ... when her little guy woke up in the middle of the night, she didn't have to wake up to tend to him ... she was already (or I should say STILL awake). Anyway, I was telling her about these quirky portraits that I was creating, and she said she'd love to have one. So as a "thank you" for her hospitality, I painted a Wide-eyed Portrait entitled "Carla's World of Colour" and sent it home with Madeline when she was out in Alberta recently. Carla finally received the painting tonight, so I can safely post it on my blog. This painting's a little different than the previous portraits because it is a night time scene. Ya, I know, have a little of the Faux Gogh going here.
Well, it's getting late for me, cuz I have to be up by 5 a.m., so I'll say ta-ta for now. But please come back tomorrow as I plan to post the portrait that I just finished of Caren, that she won in the Blogoversary draw.