Bessie: Couldn't be better if I was a bee suckin' on some honey.
Bea: I'm enjoying the sunshine and looking forward to spring. It's been a busy winter and I've been one busy Bea!
So tell us a little bit about yourselves.
Bea: Well, I'm Bea and I like to think big. Sometimes a bit too big, I'm afraid, as my reality never quite reaches the heights of my imagination. But that just means I always have something to aim for and it does keep things interesting as anything around my home. Mr. Bea never quite knows what to expect when he comes home from work ... there might be a new pile of Junque that needs a little TLC, or there might be a troupe of visiting Russian actors who have taken up residence

Bea: Of course, Bessie dear.
Bessie: I'm Bessie, but you already knew that. I am older than Bea, but no wiser. I enjoy altering and re-purposing stuff, garage sale-ing, blog hopping, promoting and encouraging the life artist --
Bea: Oh Bessie, that sounds too too fancy-schmancy!
Bessie: Oh alright. Bea and I love to wear hats and gloves, relishing the good old days. We also love glitter too, did I mention that?

Bessie: Bea and I decided that we needed to engage a larger group of like-minded, creative folks who love Art, Life and Food -- not necessarily in that order.
Bea: Having a blessed life overflowing with fun and creativity is too much to keep to oneself. Blogging is a natural overflow of a life too full to contain!
So tell us about Creative Sandwich and how you came up with its name? Bessie: We officially started blogging last August (2008); Bea came up with the name. I think it's perfect because we take a little of this and a little of that to create a tasty bit of delicious creativity which we happily and wholeheartedly serve up to our adoring public.
Bea: Also, having a little Art-House/Diner is a long time dream. Who wouldn't want to put on a fancy hat, dress up a little and jot down to the neighbourhood diner for some good old-fashioned home cooking --
Bessie: Yeah, can Bea ever cook. She's a cooking genius!
Bea: Why thank you Bessie.

Bessie: I do adore your new blue hair colour, by the way Bea.
Bea: Oh Bessie, I was wondering if you would notice. Bless your heart!
So, take me back on your very first post. What did you talk about?
Bea: Why, I talked about what is nearest and dearest to my heart ... that we are all creative, beings that we have let ourselves forget that, and that we can all get in touch with our inner artist and make the world a more beautiful, expressive place. Today!
Do you prefer to blog with words, photos or both?
Bessie: Bea uses lots of words. She has a real way with them. I like to mix it up a bit with

Have you met people through blogging?
Bessie: Absolutely!
Bea: Many.
Can you describe a friendship you've established?
Bessie: I met Bea through the Internet, but we were blessed to live very close to one another; about 20-some minutes down the road, in fact. Bea is one of my dearest friends --
Bea: Aww!
Bessie: We really have so much in common. We both love spending time in the Art Barn during the warmer months. She likes to come up with grandiose art project ideas

Bea: Guilty as charged! Bessie and I have formed a life-long tie that I know will carry us through the ups and downs of life. We have both experienced heart-ache and loss since we've met, but the knowledge that "life is beautiful" and "a cheerful heart is good medicine" has helped us help one another through those rough spots. I should also add that it's also true that I often come up with ideas that are bigger than my abilities and Bessie dons her super hero cape -- or would that be apron -- and flies in to the rescue!
Your blog is certainly a pretty site. Did the two of you design it yourselves?
Bessie: We worked on it together and have made a couple changes. Bea cooked up the spectacular sandwich that we're using on the blog's homepage right now.
Looks delicious, doesn't it?

Bessie: Goodness gracious no. But we would thrilled beyond words it if that ever happened.
Bea: Artful Blogging is such a wonderful, magical window into the lives of so many generous, talented and brilliant artists! Bessie and I LOVE the new connections and inspiration we get from perusing its pages and experiencing new blogs. It offers true epiphanies! We have not pursued the possibility of being featured, because it seems that living this creative life often gets in the way of blogging about it. In other words, we're a little too undisciplined; at this time anyway.
Bessie: Besides, we keep a rather low profile -- don't we Bea?
Bea: True, true.

What does your "About Me" read on your blog?
"Bessie and Bea met on the Internet (don't tell their kids) ... but they're starting to think they were sisters separated at birth .. just too much amazingness of fun and funk for one family."
What do you like the most about your blog?
Bessie: Our charm of course! Oh, and our down home love and affection we share with our lovely readers.
Bea: Yes Bessie, and the fact that we can encourage others to take little baby steps to fulfilling their artistic cravings, without being too serious or self-critical. We blog without guilt, without deadlines -- horrid word, horrid concept -- [Bessie chuckles]
Bea: And we adore our lives as they are right now! We want others to have a place to come where they can feel free to do the same. There is no need to compete for artistic ability. Being published, purchased or pursued by the world is not our aim. Being free to express our creativity in a way that fits our lives and schedules is the point.
Bessie: We should also mention Ruby --

Bessie: We also have a special feature. Ruby Wednesday shows up unannounced on occasion. Ruby provides some scrumptious filling for our Creative Sandwich on Wednesdays--
Bea: Or whatever day she decides to turn up.
Bessie: Yes, whatever day she shows up, she comes with her wonderfully entertaining reviews of books that should have been. Our readers just eat it up!
Bea: Oh a pun! Good one Bessie!
Your blog is fun and colourful now. Is there anything you would like to change at this point?
Bea: I would like to have more time to blog, but life is what it is, and so I have to accept that. Seasons come and go. Winter is more structured than summer and after all, I'm solar powered.
Bessie: I admit I get get on poor Bea's case about not posting, but dear that she is, she just ignores me. You may have to wait a while for one of her lovely posts, but she's such a Wordmeister, that it's worth the wait.
Bea: Wordmeister?
Bessie: Just made that up on the spot, Bea. You can use it if you like.
Bea: Why thank you Bess, darling.
Bessie: I'd like to mention that we do adore getting comments on our blog --
Bea: And followers!
Bessie: Yes, and we do enjoy seeing people follow our blog. There's a thing on our blog that you can click on and you'll be notified when anything happens on Creative Sandwich.
What words would you use to describe Creative Sandwich?

Bessie: Quirky, Humourous, Delicious and Tasty ... or is that Tasteful --
Bea: Nah, probably not tasteful per se. [Both ladies laugh]
Bea: The words I would choose would be Free, Encouraging, Accepting and all of the above!
Out of curiosity, what is your blog counter at?
Bea: Earlier this morning it was 1,208. We consider ourselves an undiscovered gem in the Blogosphere.
Bessie: Well put, Bea!
Bea: Why thank you Bessie.
Do you sell your artwork through your blog?
Bessie: No. Do you want to buy something? [laughs]
Bea: I know that if you want a one-of-a-kind Faux Gogh chair, we can hook you up with an artist who does that!
Is there anything else you would like to say to everyone out there?
Bea: We hope everyone will reject the ordinary bologna and Velveeta of life and add that special something that makes a truly original and delicious Creative Sandwich. Life is Sweet! Bessie: Enjoy it!
One last question --
Bea: Oh dear, it's over already?
Bessie: That went fast, didn't it dear?
Bea: Yes dear -- uh, what were you asking us?

Who exactly are Bessie and Bea?
Bessie: That is our little secret. Bessie and Bea are our alter egos.
Bea: We chose the names Bessie and Bea from our family trees and our profile photo is of the actual Bessie and Bea. Bea is at the top and Bessie is at the bottom, if you care to take a look.

Thank you ladies for a most enjoyable, charming interview. Please visit Bessie and Bea at Creative Sandwich, according to the ladies, it's open 24/7!
What a unique collaboration...and what a fun read on a Monday afternoon!! I'm still laughing at the response to "do you sell your art work" -- "no, do you want to buy something?"....fabulous!!!! lol!!!
I adore that sandwich! Isn't it just too cool! Great interview!
Bessie and Bea and their blog are indeed an "undiscovered gem".
And they don't post nearly often enough.
Thanks, Dawn, for featuring them on your blog interviews.
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